Tag Archives: Social Networking

Social Networking Sites Impact Indians’ Buying Decision

By | May 27, 2011

Until recently, Indian consumers’ buying decisions were totally dependent on either sales people or family members or friends who would give feedback based on their experience. It is no longer so. Now most consumers prefer online reviews where experts and also other consumers share their experience on the products. In India, about 30 million peopleā€¦ Read More »

India’s Mobile Social Network Users to Hit 72 million by 2014-Analysys Mason

By | May 25, 2011

In India, mobile Internet users are increasing year on year. A latest research of the Analysys Mason, a consulting firm stated that the number of mobile social network users was estimated to reach 72 million by 2014. The main possible reasons for the growth of mobile Internet usage were found to be the likely reducedā€¦ Read More »