Tag Archives: Mobile Internet

Mistakes To Avoid In Digital Marketing

By | April 18, 2022

Digital marketing is one of the crucial aspects of doing a successful business. Small, medium, or large companies –All need to invest in digital ads for reaping global and local benefits. Digital ads give a greater reach of the market, instant feedback from the consumers, and generate higher revenues. But many of you make mistakes… Read More »

India’s Mobile Social Network Users to Hit 72 million by 2014-Analysys Mason

By | May 25, 2011

In India, mobile Internet users are increasing year on year. A latest research of the Analysys Mason, a consulting firm stated that the number of mobile social network users was estimated to reach 72 million by 2014. The main possible reasons for the growth of mobile Internet usage were found to be the likely reduced… Read More »

41% of the Mobile Users Accessing Internet in India

By | May 23, 2011

In India, mobile usage is increasing rapidly because of the cheap handsets and cheaper call-rates provided by mobile service providers. Nowadays, Internet is also provided with low cost by mobile service providers in India. Mobile Internet has shown immense potential in India. According to a survey conducted by the Opera Software and On Device Research,… Read More »