Tag Archives: internet stats India

Number of Internet Users in India to Reach 23.7 Crores by 2015

By | May 21, 2011

According to the Internet world stats 2010, there are 10 crore Internet users in India. In 1998 there were only 25,000 Internet users and 0.1% penetration and in 2010 the penetration increased to 8.5%. However, according to a report from BCG, it is estimated that Indian Internet users will reach to 23.7 crores from the… Read More »

Overpriced Internet And Low Speeds Prevent Broadband Growth In India – 2009

By | June 5, 2009

In the area of broadband, India has a lot of catching up to do. According to Point Topic, India has fewer broadband connections than Hong Kong, a region it out-populates by nearly a billion people. Broadband penetration is estimated to be around 0.5% in India. By December 2008, India has only 5.52 million broadband subscribers,… Read More »

‘Install and Neglect’ Policy of Indian ISPs Hinders Internet Growth – 2009

By | April 15, 2009

Internet connectivity in India has decreased when compared to the wireless connectivity in 2007-08. According to TRAI report, the base of Internet subscribers in India has reached to 12.85 million in December 2008. This is very low compared to 101.10 million wireless data subscribers in India in the same month. This is because of the… Read More »

Emailing And Job Search Show Decline As The Popular Online Activities in 2008 In India

By | July 8, 2008

Emailing and job search show a decrease in the popularity among the top online activities in 2008. According to JuxtConsult, emailing lost 4% as the popular activity undertaken by the online users and decreased to 91% in 2008. Job search another top activity on Internet also decreased slightly by 1%. Download music/movies, check cricket score,… Read More »

‘Install and Neglect’ Policy of Indian ISPs Hinders Internet Growth – 2008

By | May 23, 2008

Internet connectivity in India has decreased when compared to the number of PCs in 2006-07. According to Internet and Mobile Association of India and IMRB report, the proportion of PC owners with Internet connection has shown a decline from 2005-06. In 2006-07, it is decreased to 68% from 75% in the previous year. That means… Read More »