Category Archives: Website

AdTech Trends Long Term

By | March 6, 2023

Due to the recent pandemic, marketing has been greatly affected. As a result of the pandemic in 2020, Indian AdTech contracts were reduced. There is no doubt that the ad industry is going through a transformation. For instance, global pandemics have changed the way consumers shop and digital advertising has been improved with new cookies.… Read More »

What Factors Shape the Future of Online Advertising?

By | May 28, 2022

The digital platform is ruling the world. Today, digital media is the most preferred space for marketing communication. The sole motto of digital marketing is – ‘Conveying the right message to the right people at the right time. And digital platforms are the best medium to accomplish the goal. Multiple factors contribute to shaping the… Read More »

Boost Your SMB With Target Digital Ads!

By | April 21, 2022

Gone are the days when you posted ads on print media and journals with no proper feedback and response. Digital ads have taken the space of the traditional approach as these are faster, simpler, economical, and offer immediate consumer feedback to the business. In a survey, a fact came out to light that more than… Read More »

Mistakes To Avoid In Digital Marketing

By | April 18, 2022

Digital marketing is one of the crucial aspects of doing a successful business. Small, medium, or large companies –All need to invest in digital ads for reaping global and local benefits. Digital ads give a greater reach of the market, instant feedback from the consumers, and generate higher revenues. But many of you make mistakes… Read More »

How to Choose the Right Domain Extension

By | February 15, 2018

The list of Top Level Domains (TLDs) has incredibly increased over the past few years. It has never been an easy job to find a dream domain name. In the past, it was tough to find a domain name of your choice. However, at that time all the hard work was dedicated to find out… Read More »

Does Your Website Needs Multi Browser Monitoring?

By | December 21, 2017

Be it professionally or personally, the internet forms an integral part of our day to day lives. It offers you information on a wide range of topics. The websites present information that users may need for their diverse requirements. A website is created for your own needs and you need to make sure that your… Read More »

What is Web Archiving?

By | June 7, 2017

From the very beginning of civilization it is the quest for knowledge which has enabled human progress. It becomes very important for the Human beings as a race to conserve and preserve this vast amount of knowledge that human beings have evolved over the period of thousands of years. We have the concept of Libraries… Read More »